Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What Is The Point Of This Blog?

To fix the world of course.

Lets face it, the world is seriously broken. Rest assured that it will get fixed even if it is over our dead bodies. I love the hubris of the Greenies who are quite certain with enough benefit concerts and enough scientists, we can put humpty dumpty together again.

The earth is going to do what we do when we get polluted. It is going to throw up, have a bad case of diarrhea, lie in bed for a few days and then get on with the business of being the third stone from the sun.

If any of us are still left then we will get a renewed chance to stop being such buttheads and consider (kind of like teenagers after a hard night of drinking when they finally realize their parents aren't so stupid after all) that The Creator of the Universe has been speaking to us with loving words of instruction and if we would stop minding every one's business for them and listen we could have such wonderfully abundant lives.

This blog is interested with connecting with people who are willing to consider that Constantine, Luther and a lot of other luminaries in the welkin of "Christendom" may have led us in some very screwed up directions and it may be worth reforming the whole enchilada.

In fact, I am for tossing out the whole concept of Christianity and trying to get back to the feet of the Master and really listening for what he wants. I think we will find him pointing to our Abba's words and saying "do these things and live a blessed life."

And how will this fix things between Jews and us "people formerly know as Christians." Well for one we will read the Torah with new found respect and attention. Second, we will see that the Creator's intention for physical Israel is that they are to be a light unto the nations and we might begin encouraging them to continue to fulfill this role.

Third, we might begin to understand why they are the chosen people and perhaps even decide that it is OK if we are not the chosen people. Instead of getting mad at the Jews and trying to conceive supersessionist plans to usurp their place (after it becomes too embarrassing to try and kill them all the time) we might find ourselves, in utter humility, repeating what Ruth said:

...where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.

Then again, maybe we will just go on watching Monday night football and living the American dream and all will be well with the world. And Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Bill Clinton is still going to bring about world peace by solving the middle east conflict - Ha!

Anyway, the short answer is that my money is on The Creator of The Universe and the instructions he left us in the form of the Torah. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

1 comment:

SCS said...

Okay, so...

1) We've trashed the earth like a drunken sailor trashes his body;

2) Things went off track around the time of Constantine and more or less because of choice(s) he made (hence the name, I suppose);

3) It is taken as a given that it is *important* to know who might or might not be the chosen people. Meanwhile, *who* they might be is going to be discussed on this blog.

4) The relationship between Christians and Jews will be discussed on this blog.

I see nothing particularly troubling about the subject matter, but I do think things may go off track around #3 above. I don't believe that there are chosen people in any sense that would indicate divine preference. I also think that while the geopolitical relationship between Jews and Christians is an important one today, it may not be as important in the near future as that between religious extremists of various sorts, who seem to come from most organized religions at one time or another.

I guess the question for me is not about how any organized religions should relate with one another, but how can we get everyone to keep their religions to themselves in matters of public policy and governmental relations?

All that said, I'm still looking forward to meeting Constantine's Gourd and learning more about it!