Thursday, October 4, 2007

Evangelicals Converting Jews?

NPR today reports the influx of evangelical Christians to Israel during Sukkot and the nervousness of Israeli's who like the tourist income but don't like the implications of the conversion plans most evangelicals subscribe to.

Personally I find the whole thing funny. If the Creator of the Universe wants the Jews to be something besides Jews I suspect it will happen. Evangelical plotting is more a sign of hubris than anything - "Lets us Christians do God's heavy lifting for him." If they're from Texas like the yahoo's shown above, they probably think they can do it better and faster than God as well.

Likewise the Jewish fears of disappearing due to the conversion tactics of Christians is ridiculous. If the Almighty intends for there to be Jews until the end of time then there will be. I think they should spend more time reflecting on the role that God has defined for them and less time worrying what a bunch of preoccupied evangelicals are up to.

When I am king (Ha) I will use all my powers of persuasion to get the evangelicals and Jews to sit down, break some bread and crack open a few good bottles of wine and dialog on the roles that are pretty clearly defined in the Torah for them. If we could just do what we're asked instead of informing The Great One that we know better, life would be so easy.

Come to think of it I might try using the same logic on my teenagers.

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