Friday, October 12, 2007

Disavowal of Google's Jews for Jesus Ads!!!

Whilst sitting in rapt admiration of this beautiful blog I noticed that the Google Adsense Advertisement appearing at the top was peddling Jews For Jesus.

I was aghast! My beautiful little blog schilling for an organization with which I want no affiliation.

I now face a moral dilemma. Do I continue to let Google post ads on my site (that will probably generate only enough revenue to buy a latte once a year) hoping that their algorithms get smart enough to know that JFJ and this blog are completely antithetical, or do I take the moral high road and kick Google off the site?

I think I am leaning towards hoping people don''t see it and associate it with The Gourd or that they see this article and ignore the ads.

I guess if I get flamed about JFJ it will at least offer a place to start a conversation.

1 comment:

Kate Rowan said...

I say keep Google, but state your standings and let the world make their assumptions! Might make for good gossip!